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Personal Statement for SchoolA

I am David, currently exploring the field of Contemporary Art Practice at the University of Westminster. And hopefully (and very likely), that is still the case when you read this personal statement (PS in short).


The main category and medium I use would be multimedia, involving photography and computer programs including Adobe family and other software. I have also done projects based on printing, sculpting, and more. However, I do find myself interested in all other kinds of mediums and techniques, as I never limit myself to a certain area during my pursuit of a higher goal in this subject. 


I do hope you find interest while reading this PS, as I purposely wrote in a speaking fashion and I do wish you find that same feeling when you read through. Similarly, I tend to involve my audiences —— just like you in my work more or less when I create my art, communicating directly to the viewers just like these so-called Meta-game or Meta-comic, and I found myself fascinated with such concepts of Meta-art and would like to explore this subject further in my aftergraduate study.


My work tend to be rather playful with cetern degree of "Aesthetic Humor", as these who uses fansy words says. And in some ways, I would call it a prank-like or a misschief, as I would like —— as mentioned above —— to grab my viewer —— invited or kiddnaped, into my work. I found inspiration of doing these apprach from games, as I am a compelete nerd into it, and explains my obsession with interactive works.


Of course, every artist has been influenced by their past and their exposure to other artist build them into themself now. I found inspired by the Flexus movement as I appreciate their motive of "destruction of high-art and bring art to the masses" (despite some of themselves not agreeing with this) and my interest in multimedia has been influenced by multiple artists during that period including Nam June Paik. 


My biggest influence in recent years studying in the UoW would be Issac Julian, Jon Rafman, and Jake Elwes. (And yes, they all do films and moving images). For example, Issac Julian's show What Freedom is to Me 

not only presented seven great multi-camera movies and techniques to me but also taught me the importance of an exhibition setup. As an art student, I hear tutors talking about how to set up the work and find it rather vague. Issac Julian's show lessioned me by setting up a white room in the center that is one-way connected to all seven cinema rooms allowing all viewers to re-set their eyes in a natural white light before running into the next darkened cinema room. 


Finally, I would deeply appreciate your time to read my utterly weird personal statement. The texts here serves a purpose of a bait and are converted from my previous PS via ChatGPT. Please try to play with this site. I will deeply appropriate it.

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